
Click on the product icons to download the relevant course outline

Microsoft Excel 

Welcome to MS Excel 

Learn the Excel terminology, how to create new spreadsheets, save files, capturing information, formating, printing and more.

Understanding MS Excel

Learn to design high quality spreadsheets, customising Excel, conditional formatting, charts, sorting and filtering and more.

Upskilling Your Excel

Learn What-If analysis, pivot tables, assigning absolute references, formula auditing, creating macros and more.

Presenting with MS Excel

Learn how to create dashboards, more functions & formulas, sparklines, developer toolbar and presenting interactive dashboard.

Microsoft PowerPoint

Introduction to MS PowerPoint

Learn to creating slides, work with text, objects, media, adding transitions, animations and playing the presentation.

Creating Presentations with MS PowerPoint

Working with themes, master slides, templates, adding charts, advanced movie and sound effects, plugins and how to create macros.

Microsoft Word

Introduction to MS Word

Learn to create and save a document, working with character and paragraphs, numbering, bullets, inserting images, tables and charts.

MS Word for Long Document Layout

Learn to create text styles, templates, headers and footers, indentation, multi columns, text wrapping, tables of contents and more.